Thursday, July 21, 2022

More IRL Vlogs with Guy

 I didn't feel like putting this on my channel so I'll be uploading it here instead. Usually whenever I go for walks like these I try to come up with ideas or stories that I can possibly talk about on my channel. You can consider this one of those rejected ideas.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The VERY LATE January Update

    What's up? Welcome to this months update. Video production on my YouTube channel has been limited due to how many projects I've been trying to complete over these past couple of months. Don't worry though, I'm working on a video and I'm hoping for it to be released sometime in mid to late February. 

    So, where have I've been? Last year I was introduced to the possibility of modding characters into Super Smash Bros. Melee. Over countless hours of lurking through the Smashboard forums, I've gathered knowledge of how modding works in the game and how I can create my own mods. That's when I discovered, a website hosting a library of mods/textures exclusively for Melee. I've downloaded tons of files and was amazed at what was possible for a 2 decade old game. These mods had encouraged me to make my own and I've released a handful of mod/texture works on the site. One of my most notable works includes the Dragon King mod pack. 

Let's talk about what I'm up to now. I've gained an interest of trying to implement characters that were excluded from Melee. Some names include Sonic, Urban Champion, Balloon Fight Guy, etc. My goal is to replace all the clone characters with characters that were either cut or popular hoax fighters into Melee. Nothing against the clone fighters, but all of them suck hard (except for Falco). Think of this project as an alternate universe where all the clone fighters were replaced with cut characters. Of course this isn't gonna be a 100% new character with new movesets like Akaneia, I'm very limited in what I can do and it's honestly a good thing or else these mods would take WAY to long to complete. After all, I just like doing this for fun. That's all I got for this update, so enjoy some of these teaser behind the scenes photos of what to expect for the future. 

- Lofi Robot Guy

Toad in Super Smash Bros Melee
I always saw this image circulating, it made me want to believe.

Toad in Smash
Dreams do come true.

Ayumi SSBM
Ayumi Tachibana from Famicom Detective Club
rendered in HSDRaw.

Modding in Mr. Cubeman (w/ early build spoiler character)

Monday, October 11, 2021

Dragon King The Fighting Game Mod Pack Guide

Here's a guide on how to install this mod using DAT Texture Wizard. The mod can be downloaded at

Important Files:

1. Installing the Characters
2. Installing the Stage

Extra Files:

3. CSS Icon & Portraits
4. SSS Icon & Text Replacement
5. Replacing Stock & Emblem 
6. Replacing the Song

1. Installing the Characters:

Open DAT Texture Wizard and select the 'Characters' tab. Open up Captain Falcon's folder, right click on the costumes listed below and import the following files

PICaBu.dat = DRAGK Blue PICaBu.dat 

PICaGr.dat = DRAGK Green PICaGr.dat

PICaRe.usd  = DRAGK Red PICaRe.usd

PICaGy.dat = DRAGK Gray PICaGy.dat

Don't worry about the PICaRe.dat file. That file is exclusively for MEX Tool importing.

2. Installing the Stage:

Select the 'Stages' tab. Scroll down until you see GrOy.dat or Yoshi's Story (N64). Import the 'DRAGK Stage GrOy.dat' file over it.

After doing all this, save changes (Ctrl + S). If done correctly, the program should rebuild your game. Start the game up and enjoy the mod pack!


3. CSS Icon & Portraits:

Go to the Menus (CSS/SSS) tab and select the Character Select Screen (English). Go over and find Captain Falcon's icon and import the Dragon King icon. Scroll further down and you'll find the CSS portraits, replace them with the files provided (They're mostly categorized by color so looking for the colored costume you're replacing will make it easier).

4. SSS Icon & Text Replacement:

Go to the Menus (CSS/SSS) tab and select the Stage Select Screen (English). 

Find this icon and import the new file.

Replace with this.

Scroll all the way down and find this texture.

Import with this.

5. Replacing Stock and Emblem:

Find IfAll.usd file and replace Captain Falcon's Emblem with the Smash Bros. Emblem. Regarding the stocks, they're organized by color so replace them with the new stock icons just like what you did with the CSS portraits.

6. Replacing the Song:

Expand the Audio folder and find old_ys.hps, import audio-target.hps

Regarding MexTool Importing: 

I'm not to familiar with MexTool importing but I've done testing and all the costumes and photos can be replaced easily EXCEPT the stage itself. MexTool requires a specific zipped folder of the stage with some other data stuff included and as far as I know, there aren't any tutorials online about importing stages to MexTool. If anyone knows a solution to this, I'd gladly add a MexTool tutorial as well to this. Otherwise, this mod pack is specialized for DAT Texture Wizard.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Art Showcase: Goth Girl, Amy Rose, and GOOBA

I've decided to show off some art that's been laying in my computer for months. I'm still trying to adapt to digital art as I mostly draw on paper but I'm getting progress done.

Goth Girl Stephanie
I had this drawing for a while and didn't know what to do with it. Enjoy your new goth gf, Stephanie

Amy Rose Pop Art
Amy Rose pop art done in Illustrator


Monday, August 2, 2021

The Stegosaurs Update


Buddy the Stegosaurus has an update 4 u
Buddy the Stegosaurus has an update 4 u

    I know that posts won't be common but sometimes I feel like giving exclusive sneak peeks to upcoming content for the channel. I have a few ideas in mind but I am struggling on what to pursue first. Here's what to expect for the future:

- Atari 2600 Horror Game Reviews

- Super Mario Sunshine No FLUDD Sunshine Run

- Awesome Face Adventures

- Guy's Random eBay Adventures

- Creepy Game over Music from TimeSplitters 2

- *Secret* Lost Media Game from 1995

    I'll probably get the TimeSplitters 2 game over video done first and then get to the lost media game afterwards. For the rest of the content on the list, they'll appear at anytime when I feel it's appropriate for me to do. If you've seen my channel, most of my popular videos are the Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Sudden Death reels. I like playing the game but there isn't a lot of variety to make it interesting enough. If I continued to make Super Sudden Death videos they'd get tiring fast and I'd get bored just as fast. I'm also holding off the Let's Plays because it looks like nobody watches them and I really only liked doing them as a time waster. Please consider that this isn't the end for the two series but instead they'll be put off until I find them interesting to pick up again. That's all for now. This has been your Stegosaurus update!

Screenshot of the Super Mario Sunshine No FLUDD Run

Frank Funk
One of the stupid things I bought off of eBay, the legendary
Frank Funk card (1961)

Saturday, June 5, 2021


 Looks like I started a blog! I don't quite know what to post on here so what you see might be a whole variety of things like art archives, commentaries, reviews, comics? Not quite sure yet, but it will be some weird experimental stuff. If you're into that type of stuff you're a pretty cool person.

If you are a viewer of mine and found this blog you'll also be excited to see some youtube stuff! I'll be posting some upcoming youtube videos and behind the scenes work so stay tuned for some exclusive content! 

Link to my youtube channel: Lofi Robot Guy

Pillsbury Doughboy approved!